Wednesday, December 12, 2012

What-if # 12

What if there were the 12 What-Ifs of Christmas? (Probably already exists somewhere lol). If there were, then it should most definitely start on 12/12/12 (which so happens to be today). The next time 12/12/12 happens, I'll be 123 years old (older than even Bilbo on his Eleventy-First birthday).

What-if #11

What if chocolate companies put origami patterns on their chocolate wrappers? That could be an excellent way to pass the time, plus figure out how it's going to turn out :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What-if #10

What if someone made a Harry Potter themed bar? Instead of the bartender saying "Name your poison", they could say "Name your potion"! You could make drinks themed off potions (and, of course, the "real" drinks). If someone did it, they would probably have to pay a lot of royalties to JK Rowling, or whoever you'd pay them to. What if she became a bartender? That'd be pretty interesting lol. Maybe someone could instead make it into a charitable bar, where most of the proceeds went to, say, Harry Potter-holics Anonymous (or a real charity). Maybe St. Vincent de Paul could take up that one lol. More to come on ideas for drinks :) Any ideas?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

What-if #9

James Cameron Now at Ocean's Deepest Point

This is super cool! Sounds like a lot of what ifs being asked (of course). What if there were shelled creatures below 20,000 meters? What if we could find life on other planets in our lifetimes? Some are saying that this is the second greatest step for mankind to be able to explore the bottom of the Marianas Trench (by the way, what if there was a Marianas Trenchcoat? You would probably get something like this, or other things if you looked it up on Google: ). What do you think?

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What-if #8

What if the Pillsbury Dough Boy became a man? Maybe we would all get a rush of testosterone in our biscuits and all grow facial hair and have increased muscle mass. Maybe while Poppin' Fresh (the Pillsbury Dough Boy's name) is filming a commercial, his voice would drop to the level of J.D. Sumner. Maybe he'd even prefer to be called Limp Biscuit after he gets his rock hard abs and goes through adolescence and started performing concerts.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What-if #7

What if there was a soap dispenser that, whenever you wanted to get soap to wash your hands, you had to swear at it? Wouldn't that be slightly ironic? It would actually be kind of funny lol.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

What-if #6

Really: what if spilled milk was the end of the world? First of all, there would have to be some gigantic source of milk (maybe there really is a giant cow somewhere in the Milky Way Galaxy?), then the milk would have to go into orbit somehow, and then somehow saturate the atmosphere with milk. Could you imagine if it was raining milk? They do say that milk bathes are good for your skin. Maybe then it wouldn't really be the end of the world after all? I would have to say: it would suck to be lactose intolerant in those last days, that's for sure. 2012: The Year of End-of-the-World What-ifs :)